I’m Inexperienced, And…?

I feel like to many people my inexperience is a turn off. It’s like once someone finds out I’m inexperienced …they totally dehumanize me and forget that I’m a person. It’s the worst feeling in the world.

They start to make me up in their head. There is so much about me that is invisible because nobody takes the time to know me like REALLY know me.

Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I’m some sexless being. I have my needs and like any human I want to be desired. But I also want to be loved. I guess many people don’t take sex or sharing their body as seriously as I do.

I have been desired. I have been propositioned countless times. I’m just not interested in sharing my body with a body I have no emotional attachment to. I will definitely satisfy myself or watch porn before I just share myself with a random being.

Yes I’m inexperienced, but I’m special. There’s so much more to me than the fact that I haven’t had sex yet, and the fact that I haven’t kissed a ton of people, and the fact that I don’t have my entire life together yet.

I’m worth getting to know. I’m worth spoiling, I’m worth fighting for.

Cause once a girl like me is treated right you’d never have to worry about a thing.