In This Case Absence Doesn’t Make the Heart Grow Fonder


I think men should know the effect of their absence. I don’t even think that fathers not in their children’s life should be called men. How are you man enough to lay down and get a woman pregnant, but not man enough to take of the child, or children that you made? I know first hand about this….

See my mom wasn’t the kind of mom that talked down upon my biological “father” even though he did her wrong she would always tell us how good of a father he was. She would tell us about the fact that he bathed us, played with us, and would blast the music throughout the house while we dance (me and my little brother”. She told us that despite of what he put her through. Despite the fact that he was on drugs, and stole everything that was valuable to her. despite the fact that he had the police knocking down our doors looking for him for crimes that he committed, and even despite the fact that she never really loved him, she was just young and naive. Despite all that he put her though, for the beginning of my childhood all I heard was “He was a good father”. I can’t say that for everybody. I see a lot of “baby mamas” doing the opposite Maybe rightfully so…maybe not, but the point is she never did any of that.

My …(I don’t even feel comfortable saying father to be honest but I’ll carry on) biological father was in jail for ..I would say at least ten years. (He got out when I was about 13-14) somewhere close to there. And I can count on two fingers the amount of times I’ve seen the man. My mom’s “he was a good father” spiel went right out the window when she realized he wasn’t the same person. I saw him at my grandmother’s funeral, and he was maybe a total of ten words, and I saw him before that…years before when he have a couple dollars in my pocket.

My point is absent fathers should be ashamed of themselves. I mean do you know or care about how much affects your child, or your children. Boys can’t become proper gentlemen without the guidance of their fathers. Sometimes they don’t learn that they should open the door for a woman, never hit a woman (big problem these days), or never call a woman out of her name (also another huge problem). And for your girls (your girls like me). I never trust a man, I have issues with committing because of that. I am probably a little aggressive and independent because of it. To the fathers who aren’t in their children’s lives you are damaging them. Children in a broken home no matter how successful are
still damaged in some way because of your absence.